I will Miss You

Not for a second did i forget,
The twinkles that were hard to get,
I saw the start but the end I couldn't paint,
The dripping of passion I watched Melt,

With a flash I lost desires for omelette,
Missing the times we had to create outlets,
We're still in the journey to break norms,
There are still much thorns,

With the tears you left outliving corns,
I miss picturing you in greatness throng,
My heart being called out by this song,
Making me wish it didn't turn this wrong,

It's so vivid my friend,
Your ambitions without end,
Countless books read,
Extra words penned,

Dreams of heights unending,
Till forever i will stay pained.

Maryjacob Okwuosa
      In memory of Ugonna Ochije
Inspired by I will miss you - Anwuli Roseline

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