You saw it Wanjiru,
You saw their darkest before you got an eye,
You Wanjiru,
Your  journey through the wilderness gave birth to who they dread,
It was You Wanjiru,
Who held the flame that burnt the forests,
Defiled the fabrics of Patriarchy,
Summoned my fist against the beastly,
You Wanjiru,
Told my story like I never could,
Held my hand more than any did,
I guess I was blinded,
By you Wanjiru,
You have shyed away and stayed in bondage,
In bondage with an agama tail,
Stayed unhappy for reasons you can weild,
Oh Wanjiru,
Why haven't you seen it,
Your strength that supersedes the ocean tides,
Your story that they fear so much,
Your beauty that they hid at it's sight,
You should have known Wanjiru,
That the bondage is with no chains,
Yes it isn't,
It's a chain built in the head,
They lied to you,
They kept you away from your peace,
Believe me Wanjiru,
Your strength makes a thousand heart gloom,
You own You Wanjiru,
The reality is in your uniqueness.
