Having it all can't be real,
For those you have you celebrate,
And for those you lack, you feel ill,
Even when it seems like heaven on earth,
For those you have are still invisible.

With the loneliness not coming from the crowd,
But from the inability that make you odd,
Having your invisible ability expressed,
Yet your inability is still on the express,
For those you don't have, they notice.

To balance equation you seek,
Not minding how much it will be in thick ,
Thinking you can have it normal,
When your dos are to them abnormal,
For those you have are not their like.

You struggle to be noticed,
Forgetting notice isn't same as to succeed,
Looking for ways to best improve,
Though your efforts you can't prove,
For those you have, they have made you doubt

~~~~~~Okwuosa Maryjacob~~~~~

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